Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 9: Optional Day

On this tour we had 3 optional days where we could pay extra to go on more excursions or just stay, Paula and I decided to stay put...7 out of our group decided to take the optional day which included visits to churches just as the Church of the Visitation and other places...everyone who went seemed to enjoy it, but it was a lot of walking they said...

I only have the one picture of the church, but you can click on this link for more info:

Jeff Bloduc from our group decided to go on his own adventure, many of you know he is really into Biblical farming and growing plants that are listed in the scriptures. He found a place in Israel that is dedicated to such endeavors, so he had to go...

He hopped on 3 city busses to get there, and not reading Hebrew, it was a bit of a challenge, but he was very glad he went, the picture above is of one of the bus signs...can you make it out? Me either!:)

Paula and I decided to do some shopping in Jerusalem...we found a pizza joint in the Old City called Jacobs pizza...looking forward to eating there tonight! Also, found a road named after me...thought I'd throw that in there too since I don't have many pictures today!

I had to hone my skills of negotiation, but overall it was a good day. Paula had a guy try to cheat her out of 50 shekels, but my wife prevailed! Don't mess with my woman!!!:)

We also heard this great little ensemble playing live music by the I recorded a little to give you a taste!

In the evening at our hotel, they offer "happy hour" from 5-7 pm with wine and snacks available...we have been taking advantage of this time, for many of us, it is our dinner! The guys who work here have been very good to us and will bring a bottle of wine and just set it on our table...well, tonight the manager came out and got a bit upset about this and said that happy hour is supposed to be for only a short time, like 20 minutes to get a small snack and then leave...obviously she doesn't understand Christ The King people...if it's free, we're there...for the duration! It all ended well, but I am thinking this hotel may be rethinking their policy on happy hour after we leave!:)

Well, today gave me a chance to catch up on the blog a little too...tomorrow we go to the Holocaust Museum...I've been there before, difficult but very until then, blessings!

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