Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 13: En Gedi, Qumran

Next we traveled to a nature preserve called En Gedi which is the place in the Bible where David found Kind Saul in a cave (during the time when Saul was pursuing him to kill him for jealousy). David could have killed Saul while he slept in the cave, but instead he cut a piece of his robe, crossed the valley and called out to Saul and told him that he spared his life, and to leave him alone!

We hiked for a period of time, very hot, but worth the hike, we came upon King David’s falls which is a beautiful waterfall. We also came upon a creature, Cheryl Zales was able to feed him a little snack.

We then traveled to Qumran, which is the home of the Essene’s, a hermit people who separated themselves waiting for Armageddon in the time around the birth of Christ. They kept meticulous records and had much of the Old Testament on scrolls…when they died out, no one discovered these scrolls until the 1940’s and they found them intact. The picture of the cave shows where many of them were originally discovered!

We then had lunch and headed for Tel Aviv, and our hotel for the night…it was an hour and a half drive, but it was interrupted by a stop to watch Cheryl Zales go for a camel ride…hilarious!

Tonight we have our farewell dinner, good byes and then it’s early rising for our trip back. What a blessing this trip has been, the group has really done well together and we pray for safe travels back home…thank you all for your prayers as we travel and we’ll see you back in the “Brook”!


P. Mark

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