Okay, good bye Tel Aviv...and on our journey we go...we left the Artplus Hotel and started North to a the coastal ancient town of Caesarea built by Herod the Great for Caesar Augustus...It was an amazing place when it was built, complete with a huge theater and a Hippodrome for chariot races. It had a huge harbor for commerce. The picture of the rock with writing on it is the only evidence that Pilot was there, in fact, it was the Roman capitol of Israel at the time.
Some significant things from the Bible happened there: This is where Peter met with Cornelius, the Gentile officer mentioned in Acts 10 and the Holy Spirit came upon him and he became the first Gentile convert of Peter.
This is also where Paul stood before Festus and appealed his case to Caesar...and so Festus sent him to Caesar in Rome...of course, Paul got ship wrecked on the way, but God watched over him...you can read all about it in Acts 25 and following!
Later this city came under Byzantine Rule, and of course got a face lift at that time...then under Muslim Rule in the 7th century...then the crusaders came in the 12 century and built a moat around it...very European...then it was taken back by the Turks...so the city was built, destroyed, built, destroyed over and over again...but it is quite a place!
After all that we went to a local mall and had lunch...actually a very good lunch...Papa Mac is seen here eat a Hebrew Big Mac...Mac eating a Big Mac!
And as you can see, the grocery store has a significant section for hummus! Good food!!!
Then we were off to Haifa...more later...
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