Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day10: Later that day...

On our way back from the Holocaust museum, we stopped at a market where the locals shop. Groceries, clothes, bread and other items surrounded two streets each about 3 blocks long. So we went exploring, intending not to buy anything, but found some amazing spices, and nuts, chocolate and so forth…okay we needed some comfort food after all we had been through in the morning!

We got back to the hotel and met with a Palestinian named Faris, who came to share his side of the story in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Very nice man, he is a Muslim and shared what he thought the stumbling blocks of peace…namely, the Israeli settlements, where Israelis have settled in areas of the West Bank and have basically said, “God gave us this land, so we can live where ever we want…” Also, the barrier walls erected by Israel around the border which dip distinctly into the 1967 boundaries…then the insistence that Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel.

Very interesting, directly after we met with Faris, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave his speech to our Congress about his perspective on the situation…Truly from my stand point, the only area that I think will be a barrier to peace will be the issue of Jerusalem, I think the other points are negotiable on both sides…also that the Palestinians forsake their connection to Hamas and Hezbollah…

We’ll see what happens…but very cool to be here right when all these things are going on! We will continue to pray for the peace of this nation…

More tomorrow…

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